Dominic Chee / Operations


Think. To his long-time partners of MDS, Dominic is the bridge between the Dream and Can-Do. As a creative organisation, there is a need for an even keel – one who provides balance and steadfastness – culturing dreams and, at the same time, sussing under the fluff to make them realisable. An accountant by training and a graduate of Business School before the age of 30, Dominic’s one creed in life is to ASK – Actively Seek Knowledge. This aim and belief of his, coupled with an unquenchable entrepreneurial spirit, has seen him found Interni (bespoke interior construction), and bred the acumen to start a photo-realistic 3D rendering global business Ocular Production, more than a decade ago. Dominic believes that a true entrepreneur is one who is holistically aware of his environment, unfettered and fluid, and constantly matching one’s knowledge and experience to evolving opportunity gaps. “Wisdom is but knowledge consistently applied”. Dominic’s interest spectrum includes: renewable energy; productivity re-engineering; crowdfunding real estate and big data analytics.

Other Directors

Mark Lim
Design and Marketing